Friday, February 10, 2017

King Solomon, Praise and Scorn.

What would King Solomon discern if he was either praised or scorned? 

King Solomon’s writings personified a Goddess of Wisdom.. I surmised, based on this novel excerpt how he answered questions posed by the Queen of Sheba. The novel is a contemporary story about their Biblical meeting three thousand years ago to discuss wisdom.


"Bilqis, do you have any questions before I continue?”

“Yes. What do you think about when your people chant out your name in praise?”

“When they praise my name, they are praising Yahweh.”

“Solomon, your humility to your God is commendable. What is the reasoning for humble men to give acclimation to their God?”

“Bilqis, when a teacher instructs a pupil, a thankful pupil will give acclamation to the teacher for the knowledge and discernment they provided him. Yahweh sent the Goddess of Wisdom to teach us wisdom. It is only fitting that I give acclamation to Yahweh, her teacher, if I am praised accordingly.” For Yahweh gives wisdom, from his mouth comes knowledge and discernment. (Proverb 2:6)

“So Solomon, what would you think of a ruler that becomes a laughing stock to his people instead of being praised?”

“Bilqis, intellectual clarity and incisiveness makes any man master of a situation and wins him acclaim, while confused thinking brings him into contempt.” It is for his good sense that a man is praised, but a muddle-headed person is a laughing stock. (Proverb 12:8)


As A Lily Among Thorns – A Story of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Goddess of Wisdom by Rudy U Martinka

Now available as an eBook at most sellers.   View at link below.

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