In today’s news, we read and hear various viewpoints and commentary about just taxation, executive salaries, and minimum wages. These same subjects were discussed 3000 years ago.
I wonder if Henry Ford agreed with King Solomon when he doubled the wages of all his employees because he wanted them to be able to afford to buy the same cars they manufactured. Also consider the morality of the top 10 percent of the US population owns 80 percent of the wealth assets of the US while at the same time middle class wages have decreased and population poverty level has increased.
The following is the viewpoint I surmised King Solomon stated to the Queen of Sheba in response to her questions about these same issues.
“Bilqis, I believe there are underlying reasons for rulers to limit taxation upon both the rich and the poor of his community. A ruler must be just and equitable when levying taxes upon his people to maintain stability in his land. A reasonable and just taxation should give every man his due; yet leave room for compassion for the poorest. Oppressive taxes by a ruler that bends the back of his people will end in destruction to his reign.”
“A ruler must also remain righteous and make prudent decisions to prevent ruin of his country. Gifts or bribes will not persuade him to obtain political compromise without justice. By ruling with justice, a king will keep his country stable.” It is by justice that a king makes a country stable, but one who levies taxes makes a ruin of it. (Proverb 29:4)
“Solomon, give me an example of how ruling with equity in taxes will produce greater abundance in the land.”
“I believe the poor should benefit with equity for their labors. For example, a landowner may charge a peasant excessive usury to till his land. Oppressive exactions by landowners rob peasants of the fruit of their toils when the grandee derives an unfair proportion over the peasant. If instead, the grandee provided greater equity, the workers would work harder for their own personal benefit. The more equitable tithe will provide an incentive to produce a greater abundance of harvest for both the grandee and the peasant.”
“This example also applies to a king that levies inequitable taxes that leads to discourage incentive for his subjects to work harder to produce greater overall abundance in his kingdom.” The tithe of grandees produces an abundance of food, but it is swept away for lack of equity. (Proverb 13:23)
As A Lily Among Thorns – A Story of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Goddess of Wisdom by Rudy U Martinka
Now available as an eBook at all sellers. View at link below.
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