Monday, January 6, 2020

King Solomon Blog, Which Will Reduce Toxic Behavior?

Interested in a contemporary psychologist’s article titled: How to identify toxic, foolish, and wise people, compared to King Solomon’s ancient views to discern what’s missing in the article?

The Purpose of This Post
Is to present choices for readers to discern the two authors, a contemporary psychologist’s article or King Solomon’s proverbs, which writings will be more effective to persuade people to make wise choices in life?
King Solomon  
The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death. (Proverb 14:32 KJV)
What’s My Point?
The psychologist article used the word ‘toxic’ which in a contemporary word to identify undesirable human behaviors. Whether the choices made are toxic. wise or foolish. As long as a person does not break any laws, it is everyone’s choice to make in life.
In King Solomon’s times, the word fool identified someone who was not righteous, or wicked in the eyes of God. Being out of favor in the eyes of God included being out of favor in the community of God which included death of spirit and any hope “”when he dies, he trusts he shall enter into the garden of Eden, or paradise.”
Because the psychologist’s article made no mention of a God or religion, there are no incentives or motivation for anyone who does not believe in God to be concerned about becoming out of favor of both god and community.  Or, in other words, if he or she does not care if their behavior is toxic, wise, or foolish, as long as they benefit personally, a person may focus only on his or her bodily time of life, absent any concern of a spiritual soul judgement at time of death.
In My Opinion
While the article is informative and gives advice and reasons to prevent toxic behavior, it does not provide a spiritual reason or incentive for readers to want to not be toxic in their lifetime.
In regards to the toxic behaviors described in the article, I could readily relate a King Solomon proverb of advice to every behavior the writer described as toxic instead of being righteous or wicked.
Our daily news reports of toxic, foolish behaviors all over the world in spite of manmade laws instead of Bible laws is proof that many people only care about obtaining pleasures in life. Many have no concern about their toxic behaviors.
In other words, their only motivation or concern is for body and not their soul or spirit. The only concern of a toxic fool is to hope to be judged fairly in life by their peers if caught breaking the laws of man.
No one knows for sure how God will be judging a person after death for being be toxic, foolish, or wicked, etc. etc. However, based on the following ancient proverbs about being toxic or unfair in life, I believe God’s judgement will be fair, and perhaps also might be toxic instead of delightful for their soul.
 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. (Proverb 11:1KJV)
 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverb 9:10 NIL)
If Interested,
Read the psychologist’s article in the Source Link below
You Decide
Which choice, or teaching, the belief in God or belief in a psychologist, will motivate a toxic person to want obtain wisdom in their lives “to hope in their death.”
Is it wise or foolish to discern the possibility that if we do not teach our children our religious values, they will have less incentives to want to choose spiritual wisdom rather than  choose toxic, wicked, or foolish behavior because there is no possibility “to hope in their death?”
 Source Link
How to Identify Toxic Foolish and Wise People
Bible Hub – Gils Bible Commentary Proverb 14:32
Feature Image and Poem

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