What wisdom or folly may be discerned in a comparison of USA versus German leadership?
If interested, read and decide if our USA leadership should discern to either emulate, avoid, or take notice of, in the USA.
Trade Balances, June 2016, One Month x Twelve
Germany 28 billion Favorable Balance in US Dollars (approx.) HERE
Germany 28 billion Favorable Balance in US Dollars (approx.) HERE
USA Minus (-) 44.5 Billion Unfavorable Balance HERE
Some reasons why Germany has a huge trade surplus versus the USA having a huge trade deficit. HERE
Foreign Investments.
What Germany and other companies do with their Trade Surplus Dollars. HERE
Why Germany welcomed Syrian refugees versus the USA. HERE
National Debt
Germany 2.3 trillion, USA 19.3 trillion HERE
Debt to GDP (The lower the better)
Germany 71.2 HERE
USA 104.17 HERE
Military Spending as Percentage of GDP
USA 3.62 v Germany 1.18 HERE
King Solomon
Based on King Solomon’s Proverbs and Ecclesiastes on how he might discern the above comparison data, and the past one-hundred year history of the two nations, I would surmise he would choose these writings for comment.
Germany Comparison
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverb 16:18)
Germany experienced destruction and foreign occupation in two World Wars, pride being the root causes of the wars.
The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them. (Proverb 18:15)
Wise German leadership planned a long term economic plan for their future.
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds (Gods)mercy. (Proverb 28:15)
Wise leadership discerned that war leads to destruction and Germany has not engaged in any major war conflicts since WWII.
USA Comparison
On pride and/or vanity, the USA leadership believes the USA are the leaders of peace and prosperity and should police the world.
USA leadership has no long term economic plan and political leaders only think of the future in terms of the next election.
Since WWII, the USA has had major military engagements in Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, along with other numerous foreign conflicts.
Which Nation has Wiser Political Leadership?
You decide and vote your choice for our next political leaders accordingly.
Also consider the content in my post on the Abortion Factor. Will Germany have any future regrets about having an economic need for refugees to work in their nation as a result of their choosing to abort children?
The USA aborts one million babies every year and legalizes one million immigrates every year
Time will tell the outcomes for both nations.
Regards and goodwill blogging.
Additional Source
Timeless Wisdom for modern leaders. HERE
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