Tuesday, October 28, 2014

King Solomon's Election Advice

If you are concerned about US security, read on.
This election is really about you choosing the candidate you trust more to handle the following political security issues I listed below in alphabetical order..
  1. Domestic Terrorism
  2. Ebola
  3. Immigration
  4. ISIS
There are two things for you to consider in this election.
1. If you are confident in the candidate’s abilities you are considering voting for based on the incumbent’s past  political performance, you may want to sing along to this tune.HERE  ( There may be a brief commercial appear first.)

2. If you are not, perhaps you may want to sing this song. HERE ( There may be a brief commercial  appear first.)

You may want to heed the advice of  wise King Solomon written three thousand years ago before you vote.
When righteous men come to power, people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, they groan. (Proverb, 29:2) 
Choose who you will, but if you choose wisely perhaps we will hear less groaning.
Regards and good will blogging.

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