I do not know how you feel, but I feel personally insulted when a politician decides that telling the truth would be harmful to either themselves or the public they serve.
I can understand a mistake being made by someone, because we all are mere mortals, no one is perfect. When a politician makes a mistake they should face up and admit it because it is foolish to lie or try to cover up because sooner or later the truth will be found out.
Do politicians believe that the public they serve is not mature or wise enough to understand the truth about an occurrence or situation? Are they wiser than we are, or in other words they decide to change or alter the facts because we are fools and our opinions are inferior to theirs? Are they afraid of losing their powerful lucrative government position in the next election or being held accountable and fired like what happens to inept employees in private businesses?.
In my humble opinion, I believe every politician upon taking office should be required to memorize the order of these words whenever they report or make a statement to the public.
“I believe this to be the truth, etc. etc. etc. In my opinion, this is what we should do etc. etc. etc.”
For example, “I believe this to be the truth. It was too late to rescue the diplomats so I did not order a military action because doing so would have resulted in the loss of more American lives. In my opinion, in retrospect I should have responded to their earlier requests for more security. I do not know at this time if the attack was a terrorist attack but will investigate and report when more information is known.”
In a novel excerpt. I surmise what King Solomon, based on his proverbs, would have explained to the Queen of Sheba in regards to wisdom and truth. The novel is a contemporary application of a story form to promote understanding of proverbs and ancient wise sayings in relation to our modern times.
“Bilqis, before we begin to discuss the subject of wisdom, we must first agree on a definition of wisdom. What is your definition of wisdom?”
“The ability to make good decisions and judgments based on knowledge and experience that has proved to be good sense solutions to the problems people encounter. A person that possesses wisdom has the ability to share or express opinions that most people agree to be wise.”
“Bilqis, I agree on your answer. However, your answer leaves out a very important aspect of wisdom. That is the subject of truth. For example, you believe me to be wise; does that mean you will believe everything I will tell you? What if I base my opinion on a falsehood or misinterpreted information and erred in my opinion? What if most people’s opinions or beliefs are wrong or mistaken?”
“Wisdom requires the ability to discern truth in order to make good common sense decisions and judgments. Truth is strength that will withstand the test of time. Falsehoods are fragile and will fall to the ground and be detected and discredited.”Truthful speech lasts forever, but false speech only for a moment. (Proverb 12:19)
As A Lily Among Thorns – A Story of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Goddess of Wisdom by Rudy U Martinka.
Available as an eBook at most sellers. Read an excerpt by clicking below.
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