Sunday, April 27, 2014

King Solomon's Wisdom on Foreign Aid


USA Foreign Aid is a politically volatile subject of controversy to US voters, allies, and even our enemies. What did wise King Solomon have to say about this subject?

See how much and what kind of foreign aid the US provides HERE.  Note that military expenditures exceed all other categories of aid.  Also note the per capita expenditures by countries receiving aid. For example, see the Recipients Chart where the per capita, or the amount of aid per person, is highest at $423.59 and the lowest at $1.59.

If you are wondering why the vast per capita difference, it probably relates to military expenditures tied into foreign aid, and/or, political reasons. The problem is when you give military aid, you are in effect choosing sides and approving government leaders and policies. The result is when we as a country choose one side, we become an enemy to the other side.
I would also surmise that some countries that now receive US foreign aid inwardly resent the reason why the USA favors one country over another with the vast differences per capita. Many USA citizens resent the US giving any foreign aid when our own population is suffering so much poverty. Many USA citizens also resent the fact that in essence all USA foreign aid is being provided with borrowed money because the USA is presently spending more than we receive in taxes, adding to the National Debt.
In a novel excerpt I surmised how King Solomon, based on his proverbs, may have advised the Queen of Sheba how to treat an enemy. King Solomon’s reason for doing this was to make friends with his enemies by treating his enemies the same as his friends who are in need of this commodity.
Perhaps, if we did the same instead of providing military aid and weapons, in time, perhaps our foreign aid would result in the USA achieving more friends and less enemies in the world. The novel is a contemporary application of a story form to promote understanding of proverbs and ancient wise sayings in relation to our modern times.
That night after dinner, we went again to the main campfire to watch the dancing, and listened to the same old man tell another story. When he ended his story, his audience responded with reserved sounds of approval instead of laughing.
“Bilqis, what was his story about tonight?” I asked curiously.
“It was the same story about the wise old man and the robber except it had a different ending. Instead of the old man killing the robber, the robber thanked him for feeding him and stated he would never rob a man who fed him. It is another interpretation of the saying ‘that a snake when feeding has no venom.’ The point of the story is when you feed your enemies; they will be less likely to want to harm the hand that feeds them.”
“Bilqis, it seems we have another similar belief.” I replied.
“Tell me your similar belief.” Bilqis replied.
“We Israelites also believe that sometimes when kindness is shown to an enemy, because it is undeserved, may awaken feelings of remorse. Bread and water have accomplished more power than the bitterest invective. His pain will be to experience your magnanimity and generous forgiveness and at the same time restore him as your brother.” If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. (Proverb 26:21)
“Perhaps your Goddess of Wisdom shines her light in more places than Israel.” Bilqis replied.
As A Lily Among Thorns – A Story of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Goddess of Wisdom by Rudy U Martinka.
Available as an eBook at all sellers.  Read an excerpt by clicking below

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