Sunday, April 10, 2016

King Solomon, Political Promises Barometer

Whenever I hear a politician make a promise, a certain proverb comes to mind.

King Solomon compared a person’s accomplishments to a weather barometer of sorts. I say of sorts because barometers were not in existence in ancient times. They could gauge weather by experience. Perhaps we should also use what we experience from our politicians records that do or do not materialize before we vote for them again.
In a novel excerpt, I surmised how King Solomon, the wisest man in the world, used a weather comparison to describe a man who makes promises that never materializes. The novel is a contemporary application of a story form to promote understanding of proverbs and ancient wise sayings in relation to our modern times.
After you read the proverb, I believe you will know why I have to look up every time I hear a politician make an election time promise.
What Hiram promised, he would deliver. There are men that pose as benefactors, promise magnificent gifts, but their undertakings bear no relation to their resources. Their words are empty, same as deceptive clouds and wind that produce no rain. I believed Hiram to be a man of iron, not a man of straw with empty words and no resources. Clouds and wind and no rain, a man who boasts about a non-existent gift. (Proverb 25:14)
As A Lily Among Thorns – A Story of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Goddess of Wisdom by Rudy U Martinka
Available at most sellers.  View at link below.

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