What to do? What works? Perhaps another avenue to also consider?
In a previous post, King Solomon, Opium Safe Haven Law, Wise or Foolish, I commented we should consider the use on safe haven to help reduce opiade addicts to help prevent crime.
I read the following article Excerpt in the Chicago Times April 8, 2017 to support the idea, if you are interested.
“Then, starting in the early 2000s, Switzerland assigned addicted people to clinics where they were given opiates under supervision by a nurse. Crucially, they were also given extensive social support to turn their lives around, including therapy and help finding a job or housing. They gave you the drug, and at the same time, they dealt with the underlying pain that made you feel you needed the drug in the first place.”
“Patients can stay on that program for as long as they like, there’s no pressure to cut back, but almost everyone chooses to stop after a few years. One of the psychiatrists in the clinic in Geneva told me why. It’s because their lives get better, so they are in less psychological distress. Since the program began, there have been zero overdose deaths on legal opiates in Switzerland. None. That’s why 70 % of Swiss people voted to keep this approach.”
“We can’t solve the opioid crisis if we continue to simplistically blame the drugs, or the people who supply them. That’s a misunderstanding of what is really going wrong. Every day that we refuse to act on the second, more sophisticated story, another 78 Americans overdose on opiates.”
Johann Hari is the author of “Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs”
King Solomon
Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed. Proverb 15:22)
Where there is no guidance, a people falls,
but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.. (Proverb 11:14)
but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.. (Proverb 11:14)
Regards and goodwill blogging.
King Solomon Opiates HERE
Excerpt HERE
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