Saturday, September 19, 2015

King Solomon, Refugee Exodus, Abortion Conundrum

Why does Germany have a low abortion rate, and is the most welcoming European Country for the Mid-East exodus refugees?
In my last post, King Solomon, Refugee Exodus, Fear and Bigotry, I stated I would explore some additional reasons why Germany and Sweden have the lowest rates of Abortion and the relevance of King Solomon’s writings about the element of times in life.

There are numerous reasons why someone would decide on abortion as a remedy. I will not comment on that. Instead I will explain the conundrum of the having a low abortion rate.
Why Does Germany Have a Low Abortion Rate?
Part of the reason is Germany is affluent and has a government policy about sex education in schools. Also they have legalized new effective medications such as morning after pills to control unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. The result, less people need to ever consider abortion in the first place because they choose not to have babies.
Why Are Germans Welcoming Refugees
I have reference a source which explains why the German Birth Rate has decreased. Part of the reasons are the German economy is more prosperous in comparison to other EU nations. Because Germany is a highly industrialized nation with a huge favorable trade balance it provides affluence.  That will not be feasible to continue in the future if there is a shortage of workers.
Why is the Germany Birthrate Declining?
There are also a number of reasons. I referenced another source that blames the problem on men. Another reason is German culture of believing when a mother has a baby, her place should be at home rather than become a Raven Mother than implies neglectfulness..
King Solomon
 Chasing the Wind
King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes near the end of life. He believed that most of the pursuits in life we engage in are meaningless chasing the wind. We may choose chasing after wealth and worldly pleasures and prefer to avoid burdens and responsibilities of raising children.
Most parents would agree that children can be a burden. Yet many state in the later time in life after grandchildren appear, that their children provided them with both the most pleasure, and the most worry and expense.
Whether or not a person in the later part of his life regrets not having more children is meaningless after the time has passed. Someone else may state that many parents should never have become a parent because they neglected their children. There is always a pro and con to every argument.
However there is no pro or con in regards to time. Once time passes, it is gone forever. I also read about a regretful working woman who became so engrossed in her career that when she finally realized she wanted a baby it was too late, her season had passed. .
Seasons in Life Ecclesiastes 3
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
I hope I have provided you some insight to the saying, “one man’s loss is another man’s gain” in regards to the Mid-East refugee exodus. Only time will tell if the refugees will be an economic benefit or a political detriment to Germany.
In my next post, I will explore the root cause of the refugee exodus and the Abortion Factor. King Solomon also wrote this verse about seasons in life we all may experience. Wisdom is needed for every season.
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. 
Regards and goodwill blogging.
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