Wednesday, April 15, 2020

King Solomon Blog, Why N95 Masks Cost Much Much More?

Interested in how to find N95 Material to make your own mask?

The Chicago Tribune article titled: ILL. Virus response costing 168.5 million and counting, reported that Illinois spent 1.7 million dollars for just flights from China and $5 to 6 each for masks that normally cost .88 cents.
The Purpose of This Post
Is to relate a King Solomon proverb and an explanation why this has happened.
King Solomon
Woe to you, O land, when your king is a child, and your princes feast in the morning! (Ecclesiastes 10:16 KJV)
What’s My Point?
When we elect Presidents to run our country who listens to scholars with no understanding of manufacturing it is the same a electing a child President who allows Princes to feast (profit) on outsourcing USA manufacturing to China and now having to pay 1.7 million to transport and pay exorbitant amounts for a N95 mask
Why can’t we just make our own you may be thinking?
The reason is we no longer have the machinery to make the material because when you outsource and item such as sewing a cotton shirt for example, to be manufactured 8000 miles away, the foreign source no longer buys the raw material from your country. So not only do the workers lose their jobs sewing the shirts, the cotton mills that supply the material are in effect outsourced also.
For example, google where to buy N, O, P 95, 99 and 100 “masks” are made out of a nonwoven polypropylene melt blown filter medium and the following list of suppliers will appear.
Meltblown Fabric manufacturers & suppliers in China.
Meltblown Nonwoven Fabric manufacturers & suppliers
This melt blown filter fabric is the key part of respirators which can provide majority of the protection. It can be widely used in disposable respirator, re-used dust respirators and surgical respirators. Our PP melt-blown nonwoven fabric can meet different standard requirement, including NA NOish N serial, EU standard EN 149  FFP serials and 
In My Opinion
Numerous people like myself have been warning for years about the folly of outsourcing 90 percent of USA critical supplies such as medical and military parts for years.
The information fell on deaf ears because of the lack of understanding of manufacturing by legislators trained in elite schools to be lawyers or theory economists who believed in globalism that if one country could not make a product, send it to another country.
Except they like a child did not understand the simple manufacturing discipline or idiom warning about safety.
“Never store your eggs in one basket.”
Sad There is another idiom saying most manufacturing professional purchasing agents are aware.
“Sometimes the cheapest price is not the best value over time.””.
Obama and Biden China handling along with their  predecessors allowed the mass outsourcing because they were children leaders when it came to manufacturing knowledge.
President Trump has business experience and the Princes who have been profiting the most have been resisting his efforts to return manufacturing to the USA for critical items.
In other words, the USA is now experiencing the same woe in our land  that the King Solomon proverb warned us about 3000 years ago.
Regards and goodwill blogging.
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