Friday, January 11, 2019

King Solomon, Immoral Voters, or Legislators? Post Two

Is it legally possible for legislators to pass laws that are immoral?

In the previous post I explained a Political Leader stated she would not approve funding an issue because it was immoral? Frankly, what she stated is her personal opinion and is not a legal opinion according to the following legal definition:
Moral Law Legal Definition
The rules of behavior an individual or a group may follow out of personal conscience and that are not necessarily part of legislated law in the United States.” (Source and further explanation below)
In other words, immoral is an adjective word to describe a personal behavior. Some behaviors offend religious conscientious,  but are legal in a Republic where laws are passed by humans who agree in a legal body to approve or disapprove behavior.
Even if the behavior conflicts with religious beliefs, according to the First Amendment to government must be separate from religion.
King Solomon
The Excellence of Wisdom…14Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have insight and strength. 15By me kings reign, and rulers enact just laws; 16By me princes rule, and all nobles who govern justly.…(Proverbs 8:14-16)
What’s My Point?
The wording on the Supreme Court Building is, Equal Justice Under Law, which legislators and Courts abide to judge laws according to the Constitution of the USA.
To discern a law to be just requires judges blind themselves from politics when judging human behaviors.
If there is no law, there is no standard for a legislator to make decisions. However, if there is a law, regardless of the legislator’s conscience or personal belief the law is immoral, he or she is sworn to uphold the law.
In other words, the only adjectives a legislator should state as a standard about laws or behavior is, whether the laws are wise or foolish, just or unjust..
Any legislature that use the word immoral is voicing a personal opinion.
In My Opinion
Voters have the responsibility and authority to choose the legislators to represent them even though they may not agree one hundred percent with their opinions.
For a law to be just, requires a standard to determine what is just or unjust, regardless of legislators personal  conscious of what is moral or immoral behavior.
For example
Recreational marijuana has been legally approved in numerous States even though it is not medically a wise decision because of the debilitation effects users will subject themselves to over time.
Yet at the same time, many legislators want universal Medicare for everyone in the USA even though every doctor knows smoking is harmful to users who will require more medical care and live on average ten years less than nonsmokers.
In other words, someone will have to pay taxes to cover the medical costs for people who choose to engage in foolish behaviors. 
Standards are required to measure if a law is just or unjust, wise or foolish, moral or immoral.
One standard to discern if a law is just in a Nation of freedom of choice, is not to make taxpayers have to  pay for the foolish health free choices made by people who choose to harm themselves by engaging in foolish behaviors.
In Other Words,
Any universal health law that requires other people to pay for foolish choices people make of their own volitions is not just and foolish, in my opinion.
If there is a law, it is immoral for a legislator to take an oath to uphold the laws of the USA.
If there is no law, and a legislator wants to enact a law, there is a lawful legal avenue provided to make and/or change laws.
If a legislator’s chooses to ignore laws because of personal opinions related to immorality that offends their conscious the legislator should in good moral conscience, resign rather than break the oath of office they swore when they took office.
If Interested
Read the Source Links Below and a previous post on the injustices of a universal health care being combined with Medicare.
In My Next Post
I will explore the issues being posed by legislators of morality and injustice of the present illegal immigration issue in the USA
You Decide
Is it wise or foolish for legislators to state a law is immoral if it has been determined lawful and just?
Is a law just or wise that requires moral citizens to pay for the foolish immoral choices made by others?
Regards and good will blogging.
Source Links
Moral Law Legal Definition
Marijuana Facts
Previous Posts
Universal Medicare
 Post One, Immoral Political Legislators

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