Friday, December 21, 2018

King Solomon, Queen of Sheba, Goddess of Wisdom (Re-Post Favorite)

How did the Queen of Sheba challenge King Solomon about the female essences of his Goddess of Wisdom?

History records many religious beliefs and legends about Goddesses. Ancient Israelite religious beliefs included Goddesses. Solomon greatly personified the Goddess of Wisdom in his Proverbs.
The Bible description of the Queen of Sheba visit with King Solomon is brief and devoid of any personal description of her appearance or character. The Bible only states the purpose of her visit was to learn about King Solomon’s wisdom and test him “and Solomon did everything she asked.”
In my novel, I chose to depict her as being a young beautiful Virgin Queen and Moon Goddess of her people. I also described her as intelligent, having strong character and passion, with her own knowledge and opinions about wisdom, along with powerful leadership and persuasiveness abilities. After all, she travelled three months to visit Solomon, test him, and as the Bible said, the wise King Solomon wound up doing “everything she asked.”
In a novel excerpt, I surmised how she may have voiced her personal opinions to King Solomon in one of their meetings. The novel is a contemporary application of a story form to promote understanding of proverbs and ancient wise sayings in relation to modern times.
“Bilqis, you commented correctly that in spite of harsh punishments, wickedness continues. We believe that the evil one exerts powerful influences that we must recognize and learn to deal with in our lives. His ways are persistent and his methods are effective on fools who fail to understand how easily they can be tempted to allow evil to influence them. We believe we can overcome and take control of evil influences only with the aid of the powers of Yahweh, and the Goddess of Wisdom.”
At the mention of the Goddess of Wisdom, Bilqis’s eyebrow arched.
“Solomon, I am not entirely convinced that your Goddess of Wisdom is in complete agreement with these methods of cruel punishments along with the apparent differences in treatments of men and woman. Either am I convinced that your God totally agrees with the justice of cruel punishments Israelite leaders inflict upon their subjects.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because men treat women as property and I do not believe, your Goddess of Wisdom agrees with this. If your wise man’s thoughts that Yahweh instilled mercy and benignity to perfect the union of his creations, then He must also possess the same qualities. A perfect union for a male and female is to become part of each other. To treat one part of the union as a property rather than a fair and equal part of oneself cannot be a perfect union.” Bilqis replied her opinion in a casual knowledgeable manner.
“Your statement is interesting and bears merit. I am beginning to wonder if the Goddess of Wisdom has sent you to visit me to teach me more about the views of women.”
Bilqis smiled at my remark and remained poised, again starring out the window as if she was pondering upon asking more questions.
“Do you have any more questions about punishments?” I asked after a long while.
“Not at this time. Some of your explanations of Israelite’s beliefs and laws seem to me to be somewhat beyond human conceptual understanding even to the point of being unbelievable. I need more time to think more about the wisdom of Israelite laws and punishments.”
As A Lily Among Thorns – A Story of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Goddess of Wisdom by Rudy U Martinka
Available at most sellers.  View at link below.
Additional Reference
Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom & God’s Wife HERE
Original Post 5/13/2015

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