Sunday, October 7, 2018

King Solomon, Shakespeare, Sans?

Why Shakespeare Plays, Sans Ecclesiastes, would be like tasting a cookie, sans sugar?

The purpose of this post is to express my opinion of the folly of school curriculums in the  USA public schools to teach every subject, “under the sun,” except Wisdom.
To begin, I believe it best to understand the definition of the 14th century word “sans”
Definition of sans (Merriam Webster)
“My love to thee is sound, sans crack or flaw”—William Shakespeare.
King Solomon
 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverb 22:6)
King Solomon’s reputation 3000 years ago, he has been considered as a wise, wealthy, and powerful man reached far and wide. .
Shakespeare’s reputation since the late 17th century, he has been considered the supreme playwright and poet of the English language.
Are You Aware?
There are numerous direct correlations of Shakespeare’s plays and writing was based on King Solomon’s Ecclesiastes.
For example.
Shakespeare –  “Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”
King Solomon –  “when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men stoop when the grinders cease because they are few, and those looking through the windows grow dim;”
What’s My Point?
I have written over 700 posts on the subject of Wisdom in the past three years. Yet every morning I read the Chicago Tribune and can write another post that basically explains a King Solomon proverb to point out how some sad event of folly might never have occurred if perhaps, the person had been taught Wisdom.
There are numerous courses subject being taught in the public schools in the USA. For example, reading, writing, English, Spanish, math, science, music, sports, cooking, drama, home cooking, etc. etc.
Granted, even if wisdom was taught in every school, there is no guarantee every child who grows old, “will not depart from it.”
However, if you consider when you never teach wisdom to our youth, perhaps that is why every day when I read the news I will always have some incident of folly to write about.
In My Opinion
I surmise, if we combine the genius of King Solomon and Shakespeare to write a proverb or a prose to sum up this post, it would be this.
“Do not train a child in wisdom, and when they grow old, sans knowledge, sans understanding, sans wisdom, and lives may remain dim, teeth may gash, and tremble may occur before judgment.”
If Interested,
In the Source links below there are some educators’ opinions about the pros and cons of teaching wisdom in public schools.
You Decide
Is this post wise or foolish?
Will we ever wise up and stop repeating the same folly of past generations over and over, and over in every new generation same as King Solomon predicted 3000 years ago. In this verse.
Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom,
and also madness and folly.
What more can the king’s successor do
than what has already been done?
“What will men do after the King, what men have done (Ecclesiastes 2:12)
Regards and good will blogging.”
Source Links
Shakespeare Stages Ecclesiastes
Compare Shakespeare Seven Stages of Man to Ecclesiastes Chapter 12

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