Friday, June 8, 2018

King Solomon, Fairfax County Madness and Folly

Why do we need a law to end all sex education in all schools?

Based on recent medical findings, politicians and school boards should be lawfully prevented from teaching any sex education to school children because they are not qualified.
After sending a post to a fellow blogger in Virginia, I doublechecked with Snopes and found out it was rated as “Mostly False.” However, Citizen Tom sent me more current news article links.
After reading the links, I have come to the opinion that politicians and school boards are not qualified to teach sex education to anyone under the age of twenty-one.
If Interested,
Here are some Article Titles and Excerpt statements from the articles.
Doctors Say Virginia School District’s Proposed Sex-Ed Changes ‘Lack Medical Justification’

Parents Barred From Questioning ‘Gender Identity’ Changes at Virginia School District Meeting

Fairfax County School Board to Teach Kids: “Biological Sex is Meaningless” 
“Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) Family Life Education (FLE) curriculum is taught in grades K-12.” 
“Kids will be taught to embrace transgender identity, but won’t be told about the risks.”

“Protect Fairfax County children from ideological falsehoods in family life curriculum”

“Biological sex is a meaningless term.”

“In an apparent competition among American public-school boards to see which sex-education program can be made the most graphic and politically correct, there’s likely a new leader.”
“They believe it is more forward-thinking and inclusive of LGBTQ and transgender students.”
“as many as 98% of boys and 88% of girls will “grow out of” their gender dysphoria and accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.”
King Solomon
Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.(Ecclesiastes 1:17 NIV)
What’s My Point
Because of recent medical findings, politicians and school boards are no longer qualified to teach sex education to school children. The known and proven STD, Sexual Transmitted Diseases, risks prevalent today, as evidenced by 60 million USA citizens now having an STD, is a statement of the complete and total failure of sex education in the USA.
Instead, we should remedy the problem by directing teaching sex education to physicians and Hospitals. Most schools now do that when they mandate, that in order to attend a school, all children are required to pass medical examinations.
In other words, politicians and school boards are not medically qualified to teach sex education. Same analogy as you do not have a plumber fix your electric problem in your homes.
The reason I believe this is because of what my doctor explained to me in response to my questions about STD risks for my children. His experiences of treating HIV and STD patients, and details of how STD is transmitted during normal and other than normal sexual encounters portrayed in porn movies, would astound you.
Frankly, Parents Concerns About Homosexuality, Rights, and  Nature vs Nurture
I believe most people today, in spite of the Supreme Court’s Decision, or “Who am I to judge,” frankly do not understand why or how people wind up straight or homosexual. However, they still have concerns about their children being nurtured into believing they are homosexuals, and rightfully concerned their child can contract an STD disease.
We know from Greek history, it was culturally a common practice for children to be nurtured into performing homosexual acts. Today, we know better the medical risks and diseases which can occur from engaging in sex. We also know that human brain development does not mature until the early twenties.
No one has ever one hundred percent medically proven that homosexuality is nature and not nurture. So the question remains yet, who is really qualified to teach children about homosexuality is the result of nature or nurture. We do know that a medically trained person can teach the medical risks to children better than an untrained school teacher.
We also know many politicians will do anything to secure votes.
What to Do In My Opinion
First, pass a law to require all sex education be taught by physicians, in Hospital classrooms, under the guidance of individual parental consent of the topics they agree to be taught to their children.
If politicians refuse to this remedy, I recommend President Trump appoint President Putin to be put in charge of the USA Department of Education.  Why Putin? Because of the advice, he gave on how to manage homosexual sexual practices and propaganda from being taught by unqualified medical personnel to USA school children.
You Decide
Am I homophobic or a concerned parent?
Is my suggestion wise or foolish based on 60 million Americans now infected with an STD?
Is the Fairfax School Board engaged in madness and folly, and/or chasing the wind in their school curriculum?
Source Links
Citizen Tom Comment and Recommended Links
I suggest you do some more research and write your post. That Snopes article has not been updated in a while. Snopes also has a distinct Liberal Democrat bias.
Here are some links.
What Liberal Democrats do is push their agenda incrementally. Then they call Conservatives extremists, liars, and hateful when we point out their agenda and where their nonsense is leading to.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church is in my neighborhood.
The Diocese of Arlington is in Northern Virginia.
The Family Foundation is a respected lobbying organization (at least with Conservatives).
Note this stuff started percolating up through the local northern news media. So search at least six months back. Check out the last link.
Citizen Tom Post Link
Original Post Link Snopes Graded, “Mostly False”
President Putin Statement
Previous Posts
If interested, check out some previous posts on my blog on the subject of “SEX EDUCATiON”

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