Tuesday, May 22, 2018

King Solomon, School Shootings, Ancient Remedy for Gun Violence

Are Municipalities still searching for solutions and answers that were revealed 3000 years ago?

The Chicago Tribune, Dahleen Glanton article titled, School Shooting, No matter what type of gun is used in school shootings, innocent people wind up dead. A later article about not giving up on gun laws is titled, Gun Owners hope we grow tired but we will keep fighting reports a Mayor is setting up a roundtable in hope os finding a solution.
If you are interested in all the whys and wherefores that led up to shootings and want to do something other than to imagine that somehow passing any law to restrict the present estimated 400 million guns in the USA, perhaps the roundtable should read an ancient Proverb. The Proverb should be the subject of the roundtable to discover the core reason that leads to gun shootings that ruin of innocent lives and folly in the USA.
King Solomon
You can be ruined by the talk of godless people, but the wisdom of the righteous can save you. (Proverb 11:9)
In My Opinion
The USA Supreme Court interpretation of the First Amendment decision to separate teaching youth moral and spiritual wisdom is the core cause of school violence. The result was government promotion of a Godless people result from the Supreme Court misinterpreting the Constitution Amendment written to protect religion from the government. Instead their decision served to separate religion from the people.
If interested why and what you could do, read a previous post link.
Regards and good will blogging.
Chicago Tribune

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