Wednesday, May 24, 2017

King Solomon, Why God Created Us, Post Three (u/d)

What type of stories about our lust might interest God?

In the previous post I stated someone once said the reason God created us was because He loves to hear a good story. Will our story be pleasing to Him? If not, I suggested maybe we should begin to edit our lives to make our story be more pleasing to God. But then, what type of stories about our lust might you believe would please, or even interest, rather than bore Him?
Most of us think may think of the word lust in the context of sinful sexual desires. The word lust can also be applied as lust for power, wealth, or anything we may desire in life.
I will surmise that since our Creator designed us to have the capacity to desire or lust for the opposite sex, He must have had a good purpose in mind. The sinful part of lust is our making. As for other desires in our lives, what aspect he designed within us might please God when he listens to our stories?
King Solomon
King Solomon in the Bible was purported to have had 700 wives and 300 concubines. In my novel I gave an explanation for his reason at that time for having so many wives and concubines. The ancient reason was based on religious beliefs in that era. However, with that many women in his life, I say it is sure to surmise he was a lusty guy. The Bible states women were the cause of his downfall and falling out from his God.
However, I have to laugh why every time I think about King Solomon telling God about his reasoning for his lusty sexual relationships he had in life. Why? Because of a red chair.
The Graham Norton Red Chair
If you ever watch this TV talk show, Graham includes a segment of seating a volunteer from the audience to sit in a red chair and attempt to tell an interesting story. If his or her story bores him, he presses a button and the storyteller get flipped backward off the chair and disappears.
What makes me laugh when I think about King Solomon telling his story about the lusty sexual details of the relationships he may have had with the 1000 women in his life. How long before God would become bored with these types of details before He would press the button and flip him out of sight?
So what good purpose of desire or lust for opposite sexes might not bore God about sexual relationships of human  creations?
I surmised two King Solomon clues of what may be God’s good purposes that may not bore Him when He listens to their stories.
The first clue is in King Solomon’s verses in his Song of Songs. If you ever read the verses in the Bible, you would understand that God designed men and woman to be attracted to each other with lusty desires. Perhaps, according to the Song, God might consider it to be good that the bride and groom contained their sexual desires until after their marriage.
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
    by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love
    until it (marriage) so desires. (Song of Songs 3:5)
The second clue might be the reason why God inserted sexual attractions into the composition of his creations to be explained in this proverb.
A large population is a Kings dignity, but a lack of population is a ruler’s downfall. (Proverb 14:28)
Who really knows for certain the mysteries of God? What if there really is a battle, or even a bet, going on between God and Satan and the winner will be the one who converts the biggest population to their side?
A Good Editor
Anyone familiar with writing a novel knows a good editor can make a good story better by simply changing words around or choosing a different word.
I stated perhaps we should edit our lives to make our story more pleasing to God.
Most religious views of the word lust are used to describe a negative in life, such as sinfulness. However, sometimes a good editor would use the word lust as a positive word emphasis in a story. For example;
“He or she has a lust for life.”
You Decide
In a previous post titled, King Solomon Wisdom on a Pig’s Snout, I compared of three different women’s lives in our modern era.
If you were an author or editor and decided to use the word lust in their stories so as not to bore God,  which sentence would do you believe would be more interesting or pleasing to God?
Would it be, “she had a lust in her life for fame, attention, power, money, and pleasure?”
Would it be, “she had in lust in her life for holiness to please God.”
Regards and goodwill blogging.
Previous Posts
King Solomon Wisdom in a Pigs Snout HERE
Post One HERE
Post Two HERE
As a Lily Among Thorns HERE

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