Saturday, January 16, 2021

Hey, Joe Biden, Conundrum? King Solomon Blog

 Everybody seems to be wondering what will Joe Biden do first to “unite and heal the Nation?

I read some comments on my blog this morning and various Chicago Tribune articles about the choices that Joe Biden will have to make in the coming days.

The first was a question from a blogger in another country asking my opinion if the Senate will impeach Trump.

The second was this suggestion comment from another blogger. “Now is the time for us all to follow the WAY of Jesus and the way of love. “

The third was a comment in response to my blog article which compared the House Impeachment to ancient culture beliefs of selecting sacrificial goats to heal the sins of their Nation. The comment made was the Bible verses of how the High Priest decided to proceed on a course to martyr their victim.

“When we worship idols, in some way we will sacrifice others to them, and in some way, we will shift the blame to the one we sacrifice.”

The fourth was an article in the Chicago Tribune suggesting the first thing Joe should do to unite the Nation is to ask some former Presidents to make recommendations on future elections to restore faith in the millions who voted against him. Sadly, this was already done 20 years ago by former President Carter and never Congress. Perhaps if it would have been, there would not have been any Capitol anarchy?

Add the other articles in the Chicago Tricube that report the pandemic logistic problems, slowdown on retail sales, layoffs being caused by lower interest rates, more shootings in Chicago, National guard on alert, etc. etc.

The Purpose of This Post

Is to relate an ancient verse to the conundrum of what Joe Biden will do to fulfill his campaign promise to heal and unite the Nation along with my opinion what I believe the best first Joe could or should do as President.

King Solomon

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

What’s My Point?

I first checked the betting odds to see what the smart money is betting on the odds that the Senate will impeach Trump next week, but this question is not on the list of the betting boards of issues.

My point is to present the question as a conundrum for interested readers to discern what is Joe Biden going to do?

In My Opinion

If I were Joe, I would emulate former President Abraham Lincoln advice.

“With malice toward none, with charity for all.”


“Few politicians today seem to be following his example. Lincoln, with his rare ability to step outside of the emotions that we all feel when we are attacked, believed that harsh words and acts of revenge rarely pay off; that we are all flawed human beings, all bringing our own motives and complicated understanding of the world to politics.”

What is the Answer to the Conundrum?

I frankly don’t know. However, I hope Joe follows the wise advice of the above King Solomon verse and emulates Abraham Lincoln.

In other words, some politicians or leaders in the past history have learned from the past history and been proven wise, and some foolish.

If Interested

Read the articles in the Source Links below

You Decide

What advice from past history would you choose to begin your term if you were Joe Biden and wanted to heal and unite our Nation?’

Anyone care to comment their opinion what should, could, or will be a wise or foolish decision for Joe Biden to choose when he is inaugurated?

Regards and goodwill blogging

Source Links

Chicago Tribune January 16, 2020

Time – February 2020 – Abraham Lincoln Healed a Divided Nation. We Should Heed His Words Today.

Betting Board Odds

Previous Posts Comments Made

USA Scapegoat Ritual Revival? King Solomon Blog – Rudy u Martinka (

What Really Happened Advice? King Solomon Blog – Rudy u Martinka (

Unhinged, Obsessed, or Humorous Congress? King Solomon Blog – Rudy u Martinka (

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