Saturday, November 3, 2018

King Solomon Wisdom of President Obama vs. President Trump vs. You

What are the basic differences, other than personal styles, between these two Presidents that reveal in……….

…..the Chicago Tribune Articles the basic differences between the economic policies between the Democrats and Republicans.
The Editorial titled, Why the Economy Looks So Bright, two articles titled, Kudlow: Good Economy Will Last, not a Sugar High, and the article Trade, reported record trade imbalances.
The Purpose of this Post
To explain the simple differences between the political parties for voters to understand when they vote on November 6, 2018.
King Solomon
Seeth thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. (Proverb 22:29 KJV) 
Seeth thou a man diligent in his business? In the business of his calling, be it what it will, whether for himself or his master; constant in it, swift, ready, and expeditious at it; who industriously pursues it, cheerfully attends it, makes quick dispatch of it; does it off of hand, at once, and is not slothful in it, nor weary of it; when you have observed and taken notice of such a man, which is not very common, you may, without a spirit of prophecy, foresee that such a man will rise in the world; (Source Gils)
What’s My Point?
President Obama lacked the Business and Entrepreneur skills of President Trump.
When President Obama campaigned in his first term he promised to renegotiate trade agreements, unfortunately, he chose to listen to liberal globalism economist’s advice because he lacked the skills of entrepreneurship of President Trump.
For Example
Jobs – The Tribune Editorial statement “In other words, everything positive starts with jobs.”
In other words, people being subsidized on food stamps, rent allowances, medical care, etc. etc. do not pay taxes, and if they must continue being subsidized if there are no jobs available.
Immigration and Tight Labor Market – “You got 7 million job openings. You got 6 million unemployed. I’d like to bring the unemployed into the job openings. Let’s try to attract the home-grown workers first.”
In other words, ditto above taxpayers vs. subsidized.
Trade – Trade imbalances will continue to rise because anyone who understands manufacturing knows it takes years to obtain plant equipment, and train workers to manufacture the product. Anyone who tried to become an entrepreneur and start up a business understands they must obtain loans and go into debt at startup in order to hopefully become profitable in time to hire workers to expand and become more profitable.
In other words, our present National Debt is an investment to employ people rather than subsidize people.
Hopefully, in time, tax revenues will slowly reduce the National Debt. While it will never completely balance, it will slow down the growth of the National Debt.
In My Opinion
It appears to me, the only Democrat policy in the upcoming election is the “Obamacare Card.”
Employers of over 50 people by law, or by incentives to hire workers, offer health care plans.
Just think how a tight labor market would entice every employer entrepreneur to offer health care plans as an incentive to hire employees in order to profit.
You Decide
Which political party would King Solomon consider to be wise enough to stand before Kings?
In my opinion, the only time a voter becomes a King in the eyes of a politician is at election time. So which party candidates will you in your wisdom role as King, seethe thou to decide is worthy of your vote because he or she is  …….
…..In the business of his calling, be it what it will, whether for himself or his master; constant in it, swift, ready, and expeditious at it; who industriously pursues it, cheerfully attends it, makes quick dispatch of it; does it off of hand, at once, and is not slothful in it, nor weary of it; when you have observed and taken notice of such a man, which is not very common, you may, without a spirit of prophecy, foresee that such a man will rise in the world?
Regards and good will blogging.
Source Links
Chicago Tribune
Gils Bible Commentary Proverb 22:29

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