Friday, July 6, 2018

King Solomon, Wisdom, Rights, Responsibilities

Why do 33 percent of people living in Government Assistance Housing Smoke Cigarettes?

If a person smokes one pack of cigarettes per day, the average total cost in Illinois is $2228 per year. The poverty level in Illinois for 1 person is $12,140. This means he or she may spend 20 percent of their income because they have become addicted to nicotine.
The Chicago Tribune article titled, Smoking ban to take effect July 30,  reports that a government program is being started to inform occupants of the public housing about the hazards of cigarette smoking because beginning on July 30, they will no longer be able to smoke inside any public housing. In other words, in order to have the Right to live in Government Assisted Housing, they now have a responsibility to not smoke inside the dwellings.
As for using 20 percent of their income because they have become addicted to nicotine, the government did not force them to make the choice to smoke, it was their Right and decision. It was not wise though, because smoking is medically proven to affect health. The question is though, would they have made the choice if they had known the truth about nicotine is an addictive substance that is very hard to break away from once you start smoking?
The purpose of this post is not to berate the thought processes of the people in public housing or poverty. It is to relate what the Government and News Media should be doing in my opinion, to educate, and call out in public in every “town square” to everyone in the USA to reduce foolish choices that result in criminal actions,  poor health, and poverty. While it may never result in totally eliminating human folly, it will reduce folly.
In other words, same as every successful business understands the saying of “it pays to advertise.” Government and mass media should advertise Wisdom, Rights, and Responsibilities to help reduce folly
King Solomon ABC’s of Wisdom
Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; (Proverb 1:20)
I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. What a heavy burden God has laid on mankind! (Ecclesiastes 1:13)
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverb 22:6)
What’s My Point?
In a previous post titled, King Solomon, Chicago Gang Killings Main Arteries, I suggested the exact same remedy that is being reported in this news article.
In other words, instead of continuing to allow a known harmful action to take place and then have to deal with the results of folly, government and media is taking an active role to advertise “ in every public square” to make known to the public their responsibilities if they want to continue having Rights to live in government assisted housing.
Government advertising is nothing new. Posting notices in public squares to inform people of Rights and Responsibilities has been used by Governing authorities since the beginning of recorded history.
What Government Should Do
Government issues licenses for airway broadcast rights to every broadcast media. Congress should pass a law to mandate in order to obtain a broadcast license, that free public interest government messages be extended to make listeners and viewers aware of their Rights and Responsibilities to their communities.
For example, people who buy illegal drugs from Chicago gangs should be told the truth that they share in the guilt by their actions being responsible for the gang shootings taking place in Chicago Communities as explained in a previous post.
Is es every one in the USA  aware that sixty million Americans that presently have an STD, Sexual Transmitted Disease? That there is a high risk and a personal responsibility they have to others once they become infected because they do not follow CDC safety guidelines and use of STD preventative methods.
In other words, the government should advertise wise advice, Rights, responsibilities, and truth to Americans to prevent the harmful effects of their actions. Why? Because of the converse, if you give Rights to someone, with it come to both the responsibility of the person to make use of their Rights within the boundaries. Also, if Government grants you Rights, it is their responsibility to set limits and maintain boundaries so as not to allow for burdens be allowed to be placed on other peoples shoulders,
Giving Rights to one group at the expense to another group is not fair, just, equitable, wise, prudent, or responsible Government policies or management, in my opinion.
In My Opinion
Wisdom, Rights, and Responsibilities should be a taught as a mandatory separate subject course in every school year to students same as the ABC’s.
If you discern the above three King Solomon proverbs in relation to the message of this post, life is indeed both a blessing and a burden of responsibilities to be born by every living creature in the world.
What the world needs now in addition to love is Wisdom. Wisdom to help us find the path to true love, peace, and joy in our lives, and our world.
If Interested
Citizen Tom is posting an interesting series about Rights which many do not or never have been taught or understood and contributing to the current political divisiveness occurring in our Nation. I recommend you read his series in the Source Links below.
Regards and good will blogging.
Source Links

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