Monday, October 17, 2016

King Solomon, True Jesus Church, Red Jacket (RePost)

I occasionally drive by a church which has this sign, True Jesus Church, and have to wonder about the implication made by the sign.
If you discern the meaning of this sign the way I do, the name implies that all other churches are false. I believe the pastor who named this church really believes his church is what the sign says.

The sign also reminds me of the quandary expressed by another man, Red Jacket, from American history who tried to understand Christian beliefs in Jesus.
Red Jacket posed this question to Christians that attempted to press their faith on him and his tribe.
“You say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the book?”
Are all other churches false?   Why are there so many Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, Temples, etc., and various sects of each belief, some still fighting and killing each other today, same as in the past history, because of various religious beliefs or Gods?
Most religious beliefs are the result of what nation or culture a person is born. Until God reveals why He allowed for so many religious beliefs to exist, perhaps we should consider this question. Which church righteous beliefs exalts their nation the greatest, based on treatment of all their subjects as evidenced by righteous deeds, actions, and justice, both past and present?
Or, perhaps by the sins of the nation?
In two novel excerpts, I surmised what King Solomon may have explained, based on his proverbs, to the Queen of Sheba when she asked these same questions. The novel is a contemporary application of a story form to promote understanding of proverbs and ancient wise sayings in relation to our modern times.
“Bilqis, the subject of religious matters is volcanic. If a ruler provokes their subjects about this topic they turn sourer than milk curds, and he will have erupted within them to spill out hot anger beyond their limits same as hot lava flows from a volcano.”
“In other words, when you press milk through a cloth, you will produce sour curds. When you press men to anger, you will produce blooded noses and strife. What you press to produce, you must then contend with your makings.” For the making of milk produces curds, and the pressing of the nose produces blood, and the pressing of anger produces strife. (Proverb 30:33)
“Solomon, which of our Gods is more powerful? If we compare our two nations, it would appear that my God has bestowed the blessing of more wealth upon my people, therefore my God must be more powerful than your God.”
“Bilqis, I cannot answer your question of comparison of our Gods. I can neither anticipate the powers of my God, nor the powers of your God.” I replied diplomatically.
“Solomon, just tell me frankly your honest opinion, do not be diplomatic. How can a person choose between all the gods to determine their personal faith in a god that is more powerful than other gods?”
“Bilqis, I believe that there is one god that reigns above all. We Israelites believe we have made a covenant with our God who freed us from bondage in Egypt. The covenant is Yahweh will provide for our needs and posterity if we follow his commandments. My personal faith is that Yahweh is my supreme God.”
“However, faith is a personal matter, and wealth is a fleeting circumstance for comparison. Righteousness would be a better comparison to measure the power of their gods. It is the righteousness of a nation that exalts that nation rather than its wealth.” Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to a people. (Proverb 14:34)
As A Lily Among Thorns – A Story of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and the Goddess of Wisdom by Rudy U Martinka.
Available as an eBook at most sellers.  Read an excerpt by clicking below.
Related Source
 Religion in the USA HERE

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