Thursday, September 26, 2019

King Solomon, Why Leave Chicago or New York? Wisdom or Folly?

Is the biggest factor for leaving really related to inequity, income, taxes, schools, or crime? Or is it related to….

The Chicago Tribune article titled, Illinois ‘exodus’ examined, reported a comment: “I just think that people are looking at value and the amount of money and time they can save and also the quality of life….”
The Purpose of This Post
Is to focus on the comment of a young black student about “hopelessness and start her adult life elsewhere.”
King Solomon
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverb 13:12)
Excerpts Gils Bible Commentary
“and give up all hope of enjoying the desired blessing; whether it be deliverance from any evil, or the possession of any good;”
“but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life;”
What’s My Point?
Young working families need hope and desire where to plant their “trees of life.”
Retired workers often remain near their own family “branches.”
In My Opinion
Notice both above statements include the word family or “trees of life.”
In other words, add the present hopelessness for the future of Chicago of lack of livable wage opportunities, quality school choices and high risk crime  for lower income families,, drug proliferation risks, and top it all off with lousy weather, why would anyone want to start their tree of life in Chicago and have hope for the future.
As for hope that politicians saddled with high debt restrictions will somehow “make it better” without raising taxes and cost of living, only adds to hopelessness for a young person considering where to plant their “trees of life.”
As for Governor considering raising taxes on retired residents who now are staying because of their tree branches, if he is concerned about the present exodus taking place, in my opinion, when he raises taxes on the retired, “he isn’t seen nothing yet” of what a mass exodus will occur in Illinois.
In other words, the young lady has a point about hopelessness in Illinois.
If Interested,
Read the Source links below is an article about the inequities of education. If you are presently are dissatisfied with opportunities for your children in obtaining a quality education and a link to previous posts about school vouchers.
You Decide
If you were a young person and had sufficient education and income to consider where is the better place for the future to plant their tree of life, is considering Chicago or Illinois a wise or foolish choice?
If you are retired and your children moved out of State, would you consider moving closer to them?
If the above two factors occur, will it be wise or foolish to place any hope or desire to plant your tree of life in Chicago or Illinois?
Regards and goodwill blogging.
Source Links
Chicago Tribune
Educational Opportunities
Previous Posts School Vouchers
Gils Bible Commentary

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