Sunday, May 26, 2019

King Solomon, Lori Lightfoot Staircase of Chicago Accountability?

King Solomon, Staircase of Accountability
What did Mayor Lori Lightfoot mean in her statement about accountability?

The Chicago Tribune article tiled, Lightfoot on violence: ‘My job is to hold people accountable” focused on accountably of Chicago shootings in neighborhoods and another statement by residents, “All the shooting…you can’t enjoy yourself.”
The Purpose of This Post
Is to question the wisdom of who to hold accountable other than the police. Also, to remind ourselves about the ancient revered staircase of accountability that begins with one step at a time into every house that leads both upward and downward directions. The beginning step upward is Wisdom, and the beginning step downward is Folly.
King Solomon Proverb Chapter 24 Sayings
3By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
4through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.
What’s My Point?
If we understand the following statements on the steps of Wisdom, we will obtain through knowledge how to fill its rooms with rare and beautiful treasures in life “to enjoy yourself.,”.:
With great wisdom comes great responsibility,
 You can’t do the right thing without the right heart,
How to know who is worthy of honor,
Is the way you handle conflict adding to the drama?
What to look for in a leader,
Why you should welcome discipline at any age,
Do you believe God is awesome?
How to live a life of noble character.
In My Opinion
I wrote a previous post who to hold accountable for the main arteries of violence in Chicago.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 was written 3000 years ago explains the present circumstances in Chicago because of the lack of accountability as a result of a lack of teaching wisdom and meaning in life.
If Interested,
Read the Chicago Tribune article, a brief explanation of each step, Proverb 24 Sayings and previous post who to hold accountable for the violence in Chicago, and what is meaningful in life.
You Decide
When will we wise up and begin teaching and practicing the wisdom advice written 3000 years ago and ignored by every generation for the most part as evidence by history?
Would you agree that King Solomon gave us wise advice “how to enjoy”life 3000 years ago in this verse about the meaning of life.
For every man, moreover, to eat and drink, and enjoy the fruits of all his labor is a gift from God.” (Ecclesiastes 2, 11-13)
Regards and good will blogging.
Source Links
Chicago Tribune
Main Arteries of Violence in Chicago
Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
Proverb 23 Sayings
Proverb 24
Meaning of Life

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