Monday, March 10, 2014

King Solomon on Subtleties of Political Motives and Population


Three thousand years ago, King Solomon wrote a proverb that appears to me to be somewhat applicable to the present political controversy about immigration amnesty. While there are altruistic political motives to grant amnesty, there is also a subtle political reason. Keep in mind there are many interpretations of proverbs used to promote personal opinions of ancient proverbs and wise sayings in relation to our modern times.
Whichever political party that accomplishes amnesty will become more powerful by becoming the party of choice to the twelve million illegal immigrants that gain amnesty and the right to vote in future elections. There may also be an offsetting vote by future voters that oppose amnesty. However, twelve million voters plus family and ethnic allegiances is a significant plus in a country that has a history of as few as twenty percent voter participation during primary elections.

There is also today a great divide about laws that affect population. A new  law which requires free birth control medications as mandatory health benefits that result in higher health insurance premiums to prevent unwanted new birth. Our political leaders have passed laws that result in one million American babies a year to be aborted while at the same time it allows one million immigrants a year to obtain citizenship. Also, the Supreme Court will have to decide if nuns must pay to subsidize birth control in spite of their religious beliefs.
A large population is a king’s dignity, but a lack of people is a ruler’s downfall. (Proverb 14:28)
If a ruler has no subjects (voters), his rule is an illusion and will lead to his downfall or ruin. A throne is insubstantial unless there is a kingdom to govern, and the more numerous his subjects, the more impressive is his royal dignity. What may be hinted at further in this proverb is that a king should base his rule on a wide measure of public support. Allusion, ruin, or downfall is loss or withdrawal of popular allegiance. Source: Proverbs McKane

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